Oasis Adventures (Ready Player One Genesys Setting)

Theres something very freeing about a setting that allows for literally all intellectual properties to exist simultaneously. Since I couldnt literally think of everything I couldn’t make anything. And since I’m not planning on (nor could I if I wanted to) making money, I’m free to just I clude elements that I absolutely love from my childhood. That’s what is so goddamn appealing about the Oasis and Earnest Cline’s own labor of love Ready Player One.

In this setting the world exists in a dystopia. In fact most people are so fatigued just from the day to day struggle that they escape into a virtual world which is a veritable utopia consisting of everything you might love from form of media or pop culture. Theres a world for everything. It’s a living and breathing universe that houses anything your imagination can devise made real. You can love, feel, smell, see, hear and go through almost all sensations that could be experienced in reality. So most people prefer it to life.

With a setting that size I can possibly have made everything. So instead I included the stuff that me and my friends loved from the 80s and 90s. It has everything that at least we need for our own adventures in the Oasis through any mixed IP platform. Below you’ll find the master document, as well as a playtest report from our first sessions:

Oasis Adventures Masterdoc

Playtest Session 1

Enjoy and as usual give us feedback whether you love it or hate it. I enabled commenting on the document if you see anything you feel should be added or changed.